Premarital Counseling

Premarital education, I have learned from going through the process is very important. I am not married but I have researched into this topic for my own interest of wanting to be in lasting, committed relationship that God had in mind for me. There are a lot of helpful tools out there that can help couples to prepare for this very important decision.

All of the 4 key benefits of premarital education: (a) it can slow couples down to promote consideration, (b) it sends a message that marriage is important, (c) it can help couples learn of options if they need help later, and (d) there is proof that providing some couples with some types of premarital training, for example, the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP), can lower their risks for later marital suffering or ending.

The one I will emphasize is to “slow the couple down and consider what they are doing.” It is the most important because couples are so in love at first and they overlook the huge step they are taking by getting married. Couples tend to ignore the many things that come when you commit your life to the person forever when first in love. Slowing down the process helps them to realize the responsibility of the choice and to look at the relationship in many ways.

This gives them the opportunity to really get to know the person and their values. There are so many answers to consider when choosing to get married. I found a workbook that a couple can use as a tool before getting married; Dr. Wayne Mack, “Preparing for Marriage God’s Way”, wrote it. This workbook helps couples to realize all the things that they are looking for in a marriage and clears the air of anything that may come up in the future as far as expectations. It also resolves issues that could determine whether or not the couple should even get married. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is thinking about getting married.


Christy's Blog said…
I would like to do this in our pre-marital counseling as well. The Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP).