Reaching Out Book Review


Nouwen, H. J. M. (1975). Reaching Out. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc.

Nouwen (1975), Reaching Out, expresses the importance in moving from loneliness to solitude, from hostility to hospitality, and from illusion to prayer. He captures the disease of loneliness that is spreading across the world and gives insight on how to deal with this epidemic. I was able to understand clearly in my own life how easily it is contractible to others and myself. Especially in the age of everyone is so busy talking on cellular phones and all the types of media available, they have closed themselves off from anything that allows them to be vulnerable and connected to other people. Plus, the lack of quiet time does not give people the opportunity to connect with God.
Prayer is a way of connecting with God and doing it with others helps connect people to a community to express what is going on in their own life. It is clear that we will suffer through this life and in the end if we can live a life with Jesus we will find joy and happiness if not in this life but in heaven. This book has given me insight on things I can do to prepare myself for doing His work by reaching out to our innermost self by being feeling, reaching out to our fellow human beings through community activities of connecting truly, and reaching out to our God through prayer and meditating on His Word.
Concrete responses
“Loneliness is one of the most universal human experiences, but our contemporary Western society has heightened the awareness of our loneliness to an unusual degree” (Nouwen, p. 24). Since this book has been written I believe that loneliness has gotten poorer creating a desperate need for the long term effects leading to extreme depression, anxiety, paranoia, and physical problems brought on by psychological issues.
Since my accident in 2002, it has been a life changing experience for me. I lost my abilities to do the things I loved to do physically, I lost my friends and I lost my fiancĂ©. Like Job I was in a place of suffering on many levels, crying out to God “Why me?” Fortunately, I was raise a Christian and knew God’s promises but had lost touch with God. I realized that God wanted my attention that I was not giving Him. I have struggled with loneliness and still do at times. I have learned to use the time of being alone to be with God. I know I need to work on reaching out to others and sharing my faith.
Everyday that goes by I feel I am being molded into the servant that God wants me to be. I have been broken down and pray for God’s grace, meditated on His Word and now I know I need to share to others how God has changed my life. I need to get involved more with the community and share to them how a person with a disability is able to stay positive with the strength of Christ Jesus in knowing that some day I will be in heaven with God.

In reflecting about Nouwen (1975), Reaching Out, I found it hard to question anything since he covered the subject matter so well with wonderful references. The things I did make note of he covered in the later chapters. The only thing that I will mention was “how can this apply in today’s society since it has changed so much since 1975? “ What can be done with the technology age of everyone using the internet to communicate and not having face-to-face relationships anymore or not as much as we once did. Especially the youth who rely on information technology to communicate more and more on the Internet and cellular phones? People have become afraid to have face-to-face conversations with a stranger. Do we start focusing on integrating the principles taught in the Bible into information technology advertising them through multimedia? I feel that we are heading into a direction that will take a miracle to change a society that is closed off from community on a personal level that relies on the Internet for communication and socializing. Are these the only movements that a person needs to use? If not what other movements would bring a person closer to God?
I enjoyed his quotes and use of Carlos Castaneda’s book and other different philosophies I have studied to emphasize God’s Word and for us not to worry about what we eat, drink or wear (Nouwen , 1975). God will provide for us what we need and our focus is to bring people to Christ.

The actions I am going to make first are within myself and after I am able to make the changes I can share them with others. “A good host is not only able to receive his guests with honor and offer them all the care they need but also to let them go when their time to leave has come (Nouwen, p.58).” The importance in community and sharing with others is vital to fulfilling the purposes of God. I will try to have faith that God will provide for me the resources I need and lead me to the destination where I need to be to witness to others. I will try to get more involved with other peoples lives. I will also try to find a mentor and also some one I can share my experiences of the growth that will come in the discovery of my born faith. “May God give us the grace to bring not just our ideas, but our selves into our courses, and may it be truly said that God was encountered in our classrooms” (Entwistle. P.312).


TonyaR said…
I'm studying Nouwen and came across your blog. What a blessing that your faith is so strong and you are able to hear God's calling to you.